22 November 2017

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - Thankfulness

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.

Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have relighted the flame within us."

Albert Schweitzer

"Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy."

Jacques Maritain

The Fed minutes noted that inflation remains persistently subdued.

No surprise there, since top down stimulus to my knowledge has never worked, and is certainly not doing anything now except distorting the economy with asset bubbles and straining the social fabric.

So let's pass a massive tax cut that favors, to a remarkable degree, the already wealthy.

Peak hubris.

Today was a very productive day, despite the cold and wind interspersed with fluffy clouds and sun.  It was almost a type of what life is like, with the good mixed with the not so good.

I have loaves of honey whole wheat bread baking in the oven.  I have not made this in forever, so let's see how it turns out.  It is a special request for my son, who is my joy and my consolation.   Right after Dolly of course.

I picked up a bottle of the nouveau beaujolais and intend to have it tonight. I know it is no longer 'cool' with wine drinkers.   But for many years the queen and I would spend Thanksgiving week in London, and we always would enjoy some of it, lured into the stores by the chalk board signs on the sidewalks.

Wow, the honey wheat bread is really making the whole house smell festive. And I am making the turkey broth to be used with the stuffing and roasting pan tomorrow in my handy Instantpot.

And then there is eggnog chilling for tonight, with a touch of good brandy in it. Yum-o.

To all my US readers and guests, please have a very happy and fruitful Thanksgiving Day.

And for the rest of the world, please do try to carry on without the guidance of our elites.  And for  that, you may be sincerely thankful.

May the peace of the Lord, which surpasses all understanding, be yours always, and especially at these times of thankfulness, the counting of blessings and tender mercies, and the celebration of life.

Have a pleasant evening.